InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "Turnaround"

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How can I restart TAT on Addendum?
Restart TAT on Addendum 
How do I make Turn-Around Time Adjustments?
Setting up TAT Adjustments 
How can I Allow (or deny) viewing the TAT Remaining / Deadline Columns?
Facility Settings - Allow TAT Remaining / Deadline Columns 
How is turn-around time affected when a regular job gets changed to stat?
Restarting TAT when job changed to Stat 
How do I create a Document Type?
How to Create a Document Type 
What is the TAT Adjustment report?
TAT Adjustment Report Explained 
At what status does the TAT calculation stop for a job?
TAT Calculation for a Job 
How do I create a Document Type (Work Type)
Create a Document Type/Work Type 
Best Practices in Dictation
Turn Around Time for Unspecified Work Type
Setting Turnaround Time for Unspecified Document Types 
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