InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "hour"

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What is the difference between the TAT Minutes and Active TAT Clock Hours?
TAT Minutes versus Active TAT Clock Hours 
How do I manage Active TAT Hours for a Document Type?
Managing Active TAT Hours for a Document Type 
What is the Transcription Production Rate in the IMC?
Transcription Production Rate 
Is there a limit to how long an Author can dictate or pause when dictating via TDS?
Dictation & Pause Limit When Dictating Via TDS 
How do fax retries work?
How fax retries work 
How do I specify the format of Date/Time fields in my templates?
ITE Custom Date Fields Explained 
What is the MT Productivity Report?
MT Productivity Report Explained 
How can I learn more about the InfraWare 360 platform?
Contact InfraWare to learn more about InfraWare 
How is turn-around time affected when a regular job gets changed to stat?
Restarting TAT when job changed to Stat 
What is the Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report?
Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report explained 
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