InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "learn"

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How does First Draft Learn?
First Draft Learning 
How can I learn more about the InfraWare 360 platform?
Contact InfraWare to learn more about InfraWare 
How can I finish a report from a second dictation (Attach an Addendum)?
Addendum Process 
How do I Create an Author (Dictator) User?
How to Create an Author (Dictator) User 
How do I create a document delivery plan?
How to Create a Document Delivery Plan 
How can I edit a completed job?
Revise completed jobs 
How can I load First Draft editing exercises?
Access First Draft Editing Exercises 
How do you create a Unit Definition for Billing or Pay?
How to create a Unit Definition for a Billing or Pay Model 
What keyboard shortcuts (Keystrokes) are supported in the ITC?
Keystrokes supported in the ITC 
How can I specify who can see or edit an author's completed reports?
Permission for access to reports in EHR Web Portal 
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