InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "setting"

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How can I backup and restore my IDC User Settings?
Loading User Settings in the IDC 
How do I Change User Settings in the ITC?
ITC User Settings 
How do I Change Settings For A Dictation in the IDC?
How to Change Settings for a Dictation in the IDC 
How can I backup and restore my ITC User Settings?
Backup/Restore ITC User Settings 
What is the time zone setting in User Preferences?
User Time Zone Setting Explained 
How do I customize IDC User Settings?
IDC User Settings 
What is the Account Time Zone setting on the Account Administration page?
Account Time Zone Setting Explained 
What settings are available for InfraWare Mobile for iOS and how do I find them?
InfraWare Mobile Settings 
How Do I Set Up The Button Actions in the IDC for the Nuance PowerMicII?
Setting up the Nuance PowerMic II 
How can I specify how the platform behaves for specific authors?
Author Settings explained 
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