InfraWare, Inc.

Search Results
You searched for "spelling"

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How can I manage my spell check dictionary?
Customize spell checking 
How can I suggest updates to the spell check dictionary?
Adding Words to Spell Check 
How to send Spellcheck suggestions from the ITC
Submit Spellcheck Suggestions in the ITC 
How can I require MTs to spell check?
Force spell check prior to submission 
How do I make a change to a word during spell check if the word is not on the Suggestions list?
Making Changes During Spell Check in the ITC 
What keyboard shortcuts (Keystrokes) are supported in the ITC?
Keystrokes supported in the ITC 
InfraWare 360 platform Overview
InfraWare 360 Platform Overview 
How do I start with the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC)?
Quick Start Guide to the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) 
Best Practices in Dictation
How does First Draft interpret frequently used commands in dictation?
First Draft and Frequently Used Commands in Dictation 
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