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Why did SQL 2005 fail to install during ITC or IDC installation?

Answer / Solution

Why did SQL 2005 fail to install during ITC or IDC installation?


When you install either the ITC or IDC to a Windows computer for the first time, Microsoft SQL 2005 Express is installed during the process.  If SQL fails to install, the remainder of the installation will abort.


  • For Windows XP users, the most common reason for SQL to fail to complete installation will be the lack of meeting system requirements.  The machine must be running Service Pack 2 (or greater) of Windows XP and it must have an up-to-date Windows Installer service.  These pre-requisites are detailed on the Software tab of the IMC from which installtions are launched.
  • An additional reason for SQL failing can be the use of file (or disk) compression on the hard drive to which you are attempting to install the InfraWare application and SQL.  Most users do not need compression, but if you have it turned on, then you must turn it off for the folders which will contain SQL files.  These include:
        1. c:\program files\microsoft sql server
        2. c:\program files\infraware

... and all of the folders below those two folders.  To accomplish this, load My Computer and browse to one of the above folders.  Then, right-click the folder and choose Properties.  Click the Advanced tab, then uncheck the checkbox which says Compress.  Click Apply.  When prompted, answer to apply this setting to all folders underneath this folder as well (not just the folder you selected).

  • The decompression might take a few minutes.  When the computer doesn't appear to be busy, re-attempt the software installation.  If compression is off, and that was the only problem, installation should complete normally.

Note: SQL (pronounced sequel) is the database InfraWare client programs use to store your information.

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Last Updated
Saturday, September 17, 2011

compression sql error failed KB158
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