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How do I use the Web Portal?

Answer / Solution

InfraWare Secure Web Portal
Quick Start Guide

Scope of Guide
Quick Start Guides are intended to provide a new user with a brief introduction to the covered application. The Guides are not a substitute for training, and they are not comprehensive.  Rather, they are concise documents that orient new users to the fundamentals of accessing and navigating the programs.  Finally, they direct users to context-sensitive support resources for granular information on certain features.
Who should use this Guide and the Secure Web Portal?
The Secure Web Portal is used by authors and facility administrators to access transcribed documents. 

Before You Begin
Before you begin, please be aware of the yellow circles with question marks in them. Clicking these images will bring up information about the area on the page with which they are associated. 
The Secure Web Portal provides convenient and secure web-based access to transcribed documents.  The Portal supports eSign-off, editing and printing as well as robust searching capabilities.
Logging in
» Using a supported browser, navigate to the following address:
                (Bookmark this location by making it a favorite in IE) 

» Provide your username and password, and then click the Log In Portal button.

Navigating the Web Portal
  • The Secure Web Portal is arranged with tabs consisting of different pages.  Notice the Reports tab is the initial page:
 » Click to explore various tabs. Notice the sub-tabs that appear when a different tab is selected.

Purpose of each Tab

  • Tasks
    The Tasks tab provides links to commonly accessed areas of the program and allows a user to customize their Secure Web Portal experience by clicking the Change My Preferences option.  


  • The Reports tab shows all the dictations the user has permissions to view that have been submitted for transcription in a convenient queue. 
    • Search Panel (see below): Located above the list of jobs, this can be used to perform Quick Searches by one or more criteria or a more complex Saved Search (explained below).

  • Saved Searches:  Saved Searches designate the search criteria as well as which columns are included in the results and the order in which the displayed jobs are sorted.   Choose a Saved Search from the menu and it will automatically be executed and display results in the listing.  
    • Saved Searches are typically set up by your Admin and may include specific data elements and criteria (KB106).  If you do not see the Saved Searches sub-tab contact your Administrator about access to this tab so you can manage your own Saved Searches.
  • Quick Search:  Click the Quick Search tab and choose from the drop-down menu of fields, choose or enter criteria, choose the operator (Must Have, Must Not Have, Might Have), and click Search
    • Click More to expand search criteria for up to 5 elements.  Click Less to reduce back to 1 element.
  • Job Actions:  Below the search panel is a list of job actions including eSign-Off, Return for QA, View Formatted, Download, Fax, and Online Editor Print.  When clicked, these actions are performed on jobs selected by placing a checkmark in the leftmost column of the job’s row.  In addition, if you click on the More Actions drop-down menu you will see options to Edit Completed Jobs and Secure eMail Delivery on demand.

    • Job Properties:  Details of a single job can be quickly viewed or changed by clicking the Job # to load the job properties page. 

      Notice the job properties window actually has several pages.  View job properties is the default.

    • eSign-off: Authors can review each completed document.  In a walk-through experience, they can accept, reject or edit each job as needed.  At the completion of the walk-through, they can download and/or print the jobs signed or viewed.  See KB133 for eSign Instructions.
  • Software
    The Web Portal runs in your browser so it does not need to install.  Other InfraWare software programs can be installed to the user’s computer from the software tab.  The Online Editor is used to Edit Completed Jobs and during the eSign process.

  • Help
    The help tab allows users to search the InfraWare Knowledgebase (KB) for answers and information using a convenient keyword search.



  • Screen shots above are for a Medical facility, which shows labels appropriate to medical workflow (Patient, MRN, etc.).


Quick Start Guide for Authors - Secure Web Portal (1).pdf (629.6Kb)

Related Links

Related KBs
How does eSign-off work?
eSign-off Explained
How can I edit a completed job?
Revise completed jobs
What do the summary job statuses mean in the Secure Web Portal?
Job Statuses Explained
How do I print and download completed jobs from the Secure Web Portal?
Print/Download reports from Secure Web Portal
What browsers does InfraWare Support?
Supported Browsers

Direct Link to This KB

Last Updated
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Customer Physician Web Portal KB215
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