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How is turn-around time affected when a regular job gets changed to stat?

Answer / Solution

Restarting TAT when job changed to Stat


The InfraWare 360 Platform allows Administrators to add a Facility setting that automatically resets the turnaround time deadline of a job if it is marked STAT sometime after it has been uploaded to the platform.   This allows administrators to have a more accurate record of the turnaround time of jobs that were not marked STAT when they were dictated.   It also prevents a job from automatically becoming late if it originally had one turn-around time (such as 48 hours) and later gets truncated to a shorter turn-around time (such as 24 hours) after time has passed.

You will need the following before you begin:
Ø An Administrator login ID and password for the IMC. 


Ø Log in to the IMC at www.InfraWare.com/IMC
Ø Choose the Administrator tab, choose Facilities sub-tab.
Ø Click on the Facility for which you would like to establish the setting.   
Ø Select Advance View and scroll down to the Transcription section to find “Restart TAT marking job STAT.”  
Ø Put a checkmark next to it. 
Ø Click Save Changes.


From this point forward, all jobs marked STAT after they have been received by the platform will automatically have the TAT deadline reset to accurately reflect the time from which the job was marked STAT.    

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Last Updated
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TAT STAT deadline KB267
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