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How can I prevent matching bad ADT info to jobs?

Answer / Solution

Setting ADT Exclusions for Facility ADT Auto-Matching


The InfraWare 360 platform allows for ADT Exclusions to prevent the ITC from retrieving ADT information during ADT auto-matching on MRN, Account number or Order number.  When an exclusion is added, the ITC will not match if the text/numbers in the subject field contains an exclusion.  Some authors do not enter a correct MRN/Account #/Order # and may consistently enter the same text or number as a patient identifier when calling in their dictations (i.e. "00").   This feature ensures those authors are excluded from ADT Auto-Matching. 


  • Login to the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) using your Administrator Username and Password
  • Select the Administration tab --> Facilities sub-tab.
  • Click on the Facility you would like to work with.
  • In the Advanced View, Scroll down to the Patient Demographics section
  • Next to ADT Auto-Matching Exclusions, click "Manage." 

  • ITC ADT Exclusions window will open
  • Enter a New Exclusion and click Add. 
  • An example of an exclusion would be when the author enters "0" for the patient identifier which does not match with any ADT entries.  

  • Exclusions can be deleted by selecting Delete next to the exclusion.
  • Close the window when done.


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Last Updated
Friday, December 4, 2015

ADT author doctor physician Auto-Matching patient demographics matching number exclusions KB316
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