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How can I tell the platform to use a fax cover page by default?

Answer / Solution


Use Fax Cover Page by Default

Administrators of the InfraWare 360 platform can specify whether to use a Fax Cover Page by default whenever a fax is sent for a specific facility.  To manage this, login to the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) and click on the Administration tab, then click on the name of the facility you would like to edit.  Select the Advance View.  Scroll down to the Document Delivery System section to "Use Fax Cover Page by Default".  

  • Placing a checkmark on "Use Fax Cover Page by Default" feature will set the facility to use a Fax Cover Page for every fax that is sent
  • Leaving this feature unchecked will allow the use of a fax cover page to be optional, not required


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Last Updated
Monday, December 7, 2015

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