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How does the Facility User manage Secure Web Portal Alerts?

Answer / Solution

Manage eSign-Off Alerts in the Secure Web Portal


The InfraWare 360 platform allows Facility Authors to create eSign-off alerts in the Secure Web Portal.  These alerts can be set to send the Authors an email when jobs are available for eSign. 


  • Login to the Secure Web Portal using your InfraWare Username and Password
  • Click on the Tasks tab to go to the Tasks page
  • Scroll down to "Manage eSign-off Alerts"

  • On the Sign-off Alerts place, set the criteria for when you would like to receive an eSign-off alert

  • If you dictate for more than one Facility, select the Facility from the drop-down menu
  • Triggers:  Place a checkmark next to the appropriate trigger and fill in the blanks
    • Send an alert if a job has been queued for signature for more than ____ minutes.
    • Send an alert if at least ____ jobs are queued for signature.

  • Days Active:  Select the days of the week you would like to be alerted
  • Times Active:  Select All day or Time Range
  • Renotification: Resend alert after ____minutes. (Leave blank for no renotification).
  • Email:  Select login Email or Use this email
  • Format of Email Message:  Select format from drop-down
  • Click Create Alert when finished. 


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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

ehr web portal eSign alert renotification re-notification KB391
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