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How can I get my ITC to run when I receive an error message that describes a referenced assembly that is not installed on my system?

Answer / Solution

Referenced Assembly Is Not Installed Error

Sometimes when your computer has had recent issues, you will start getting the following error message when you attempt to run the ITC:

"The following error has taken place. The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. (Exception from HRESULT: 0X800736B3)"

Error messages that indicate an inability to locate a referenced assembly are typically caused by some type of .NET Framework issue. We've found that repairing or reinstalling the .NET frameworks (2.0 and 3.5) will most often resolved the issue. We would suggest the following actions:

1. Open Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs
2. Select .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and click 'Change / Remove'
3. On the screen that appears, select 'Repair' and then click 'Next'
4. Attempt to run ITC

This should cause the .NET 3.5 Framework to repair itself. If the MT is still unable to run the ITC, we would suggest removing the .NET Framework and reinstalling by doing the following:

1. Open Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs
2. Select .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and click 'Change / Remove'
3. On the screen that appears, select 'Uninstall' and then click 'Next'
4. If installed, select .NET Framework 3.0 and then remove
5. If installed, select .NET 2.0 Framework 2.0 and then remove
6. Run Windows Update. Select Custom. Select .NET Framework 3.5 under 'Software, Optional'
7. After installation completes (may require reboot), run Windows Update and install any .NET related updates listed under 'High Priority'
8. Attempt to run ITC

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Where can I get info on common ITC Error Messages?
Overcoming ITC Error Messages
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How to submit an ITC Error Report

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Last Updated
Friday, December 18, 2015

KB493 referenced assembly error KB493
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