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What do the parameters for the Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report mean?

Answer / Solution

Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report Explained

For a description on how to use the Keystroke Trending Report, see KB 503

  • Start/End Dates:  The window of time from which the report includes jobs. So, any job which was transcribed after the start date and before the end date will be included on the report.
  • Time Zone:  Choose the time zone to be used for the selected Start and End Dates.  Check the Daylight Savings box to observe Daylight Savings with your Time Zone selection.
  • Facility: Filter the report to only include jobs from a certain Facility.
  • MT: The MT drop down list is where you select which MT you would like to generate the graph for. MTs that are FD enabled appear in green.
  • First Draft Only:  The First Draft Only checkbox lets you filter jobs that are used in the report to be only ones that had speech recognition done. If the box is checked, you can look specifically at how the MTs editing skills have improved over time. If you want to see how the MTs production rates have varied before and after he or she started working First Draft Jobs, you can leave the box unchecked.
  • Include Split Jobs:  By default, split jobs (jobs which were duplicated) will be excluded from results.  The “include Split Jobs” checkbox can be used to includes jobs which were duplicated/split.
  • Interval length:  The amount of time that each point on the graph will average over. For instance, if interval length is “3 days,” then the data point labeled 8/1 on the graph will be the average production rate and keystroke usage for all jobs worked on 8/1, 8/2 and 8/3. If the interval length is 7 days then it will be 8/1 through 8/7. Shorter interval lengths are good if you want to investigate what is happening over a short amount of time. Longer ones are good if you want to get a big-picture with a smoother graph over a longer period of time.
  • Keystroke Category:  Specify which keystrokes are counted in the “Keystroke Usage” graph.
    • Select word includes select word to the left and right (ctrl + shift + left/right arrow)
    • Delete word includes delete word to the left and right (ctrl + delete and ctrl + backspace)
    • Delete to period includes ctrl + shift + delete
    • Capitalization includes uppercase (ctrl + period), lowercase (ctrl + comma), capitalize (ctrl + /) and toggle case (shift + F3)
    • Skip to paragraph includes (ctrl + up arrow) and (ctrl + down arrow)
    • All include all of these categories

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Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report explained

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Last Updated
Monday, November 24, 2014

First Draft, Editors, MTE, Editor, Report, Analytics, Keyboard Shortcut Trending Report
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