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What does the Display Filter do on the First Draft Authors page?

Answer / Solution

First Draft Authors Display Filter Explained


The Display Filter allows an administrator to filter which Authors are displayed on the First Draft Authors page.  As long as an Author has at least one grade at the given level, he or she will be listed. For instance, let’s say an Author dictates an MRI and a CT scan, and one received a “C” and one received a “B”. That Author would not show up if you select “A” sources, but he or she would if you selected “B” sources. First Draft enrollment is required for this option.


  • Administrator login for the InfraWare Management Console (IMC)


  • Login to the IMC using your Administrator username and password
  • Select the First Draft tab, Authors sub-tab

Display options are as follows:

  • All Available Authors - Displays all authors available according to the First Draft edition to which the Account is subscribed.  See KB407 for details on First Draft Edition.
  • Enabled Authors - Displays all Authors which have at least one Document Type/Dictation Source enabled.
  • Authors with "A" grades - Displays all Authors which have at least one Document Type/Dictation Source graded with an "A."
  • Authors with "B" grades - Displays all Authors which have at least one Document Type/Dictation Source graded with an "B."
  • Authors with "C" grades - Displays all Authors which have at least one Document Type/Dictation Source graded with an "C."
  • Authors with "D" grades - Displays all Authors which have at least one Document Type/Dictation Source graded with an "D."
  • Authors Awaiting Grade - Displays Authors for which models are built for an author/Document Type/device combo, but we do not actually have a grade yet.  The grading process requires that the Author dictate at least 5 jobs and at least 10 minutes of audio following the gathering/training process.
  • Authors in Training - Authors for which data is being gathered.  This is required prior to the grading process.  The platform is looking at whether it will be possible for for an Author to gather 500 minutes worth of dictation over the course of 6 months. 
  • Ineligible Volume  - Volume which is not eligible for First Draft
    • If the Author does not dictate enough volume for a DocType-Dictation Source to generate a model and be graded. The platform is looking at whether it will be possible for for an Author to gather 500 minutes worth of dictation over the course of 6 months. 
    • Device:  The 'device' it's referring to the actual type of the dictation.  So while a job could have its origination (queue column) be IDC, its device could be DSS, DS2, WMA, etc.  When the device is listed as the IDC, it should mean that it was recorded in the IDC.  Example below:
      • The first three people here just have a bunch of blank jobs, so the audio is likely coming from somewhere outside of InfraWare.  IDC is just the default 'device' for blank jobs.
  • Volume Manually Set as Ineligible - Volume which has been manually marked as ineligible for FD by an Administrator in the IMC.   When the filter "Volume Manually Set as Ineligible" is chosen and includes data, a total will be displayed.  See KB897 for details.

Here is a short video that describes the First Draft feature:

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Last Updated
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

First Draft FD Authors doctor physician Filter Grading KB513
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