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How do I send First Draft jobs to non-editors when TAT is approaching?

Answer / Solution

Sending First Draft Jobs to Non-Editors

When jobs go through First Draft speech recognition, they are intended to go to a transcriptionist who has been enabled as a First Draft Editor.  In some real-world workflow scenarios, a job might approach turn-around-time (TAT) when an Editor is not available.  You might want jobs in that scenario to be available to transcriptionists (non-editors).  InfraWare 360 allows you to specify that behavior at the Account level.

Navigate to the Account Settings page.  In the IMC, click Administration, Account.  Set the slider to "Settings" at the top of the page and then switch to the "Advanced" View and scroll down to the First Draft section:

If First Draft jobs should be routed to MTs (non-editors) when TAT is approaching and an Editor has not downloaded the job to work, check the box.  Set the value to the desired number of minutes.  In the screenshot above, if a job has 32min available for TAT, it will only be routed to a First Draft Editor.  If it has 31min or fewer, it will be eligible for non-editors.

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Account to save.


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How do I control a Transcriptionist's access to First Draft work?
Enabling First Draft Editors
What happens to a First Draft when the job goes to an MT?
First Draft jobs that are transcribed

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Last Updated
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

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