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What template fields do I use for eSign-off documents?

Answer / Solution


How to Set Up A Template for eSign Documents

When you set up an author for eSign on the InfraWare 360 platform, you can add fields to the template to show the eSign-off details such as the time and date the eSign was performed. You can also insert an electronic version of the author's signature. This article describes the fields to add in the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE) for eSign documents.

There are two types of fields you can include on the template.  First is the "Signature" field which gets populated with the text included on the Author's eSignature "text" portion of their eSign setup. See  KB182 for more information on the information placed in the "Text" box.  The second field is the "Signature Image" field. Once a document is eSigned, this field will be populated with the image of the author's signature. KB182 gives information on how to upload this image to the platform. 

The following screenshot shows the location of these two types of fields in the ITE insert menu:

The "Level 2 Signature" and "Level 2 Signature Image" are used when you are setting up a dual-eSign situation. If you are not using dual-eSign, you will not want to include these two fields on the template.

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Last Updated
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

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