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How can I use the InfraCare Support Portal?

Answer / Solution

InfraCare Support Portal


In order to create a new support ticket with the InfraWare Technical Help Desk, you can submit an email to Support@InfraWare.com.  You can also open a new ticket by using the InfraCare Support Portal. This KB article gives an overview on how to utilize the InfraCare Support Portal. One thing to note, even if you submit a ticket via the InfraCare Support Portal, you will still receive emails when the InfraWare Help Desk replies to your ticket.

The following URL will give you access to the InfraCare Support Portal:  support.infraware.com  Please note that the URL is using HTTPS which means it is a secure connection. This will allow for the transference of PHI information from within this portal, if necessary. Therefore, you can attach useful information with your support request that will help the InfraWare support team in troubleshooting your issue.

When you go to the URL, you will see the following screen.  You will enter the same Email/Password combination that you currently use for the IMC. It is important to note that only admins will be able to utilize this portal.

After you login to the InfraCare Portal, you will see the following screen. There are two options available at this point.

  • First is "View Tickets". When you press "View Tickets", you will see a list of all of your InfraWare tickets. You can click on the ticket number to open and see details regarding the ticket. If a ticket is closed, you can reopen it via this section. You can also set the priority level of the ticket and add notes to the ticket.
  • Second is "Submit A Ticket". This section will allow you to open a new ticket. You can use this venue instead of sending an email to the support group. Both options are available for your ticket submission needs.

How to Reply to an Open Ticket

  • Click on "View Tickets"
  • When you see the list of your tickets, click on the ticket number which you want to view/reply
  • Press "Add to Ticket"
  • Type your reply in the "Your Reply" box
  • Press "Submit" and your reply will be sent to InfraWare Support

InfraCare_InfraWare_Customer_Care (1).pdf (250.8Kb)

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Last Updated
Friday, May 12, 2023

InfraCare Support Ticket KB578
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