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How do I see Secure Email Delivery activity?

Answer / Solution

Secure Email Delivery Report


In this guide, you will learn how to create a Secure Email Delivery activity report. 


  • Select Secure Email on the Reports tab.


  • The scope of the report can be adjusted by setting a date range (defaults to previous month if left blank), registration status, and email address.


  • For each delivery, the target email address, name and user status will be displayed. Deliveries can be expired (i.e., removed from the target user’s available downloads) by checking the desired jobs and then clicking ‘Expire’.

Registration Status

Target users may have one of the following Registration Statuses:

  • Unregistered – user does not have an InfraWare login and has not confirmed their email address.
  • Confirmed – user does not have an InfraWare login, but has confirmed their email address and now has access to the email portal.
  • Platform User – user has an InfraWare login and will utilize the Secure Web Portal.
  • Banned – an Administrator has banned the targeted email address.
  • Opt Out – the user has chosen to opt-out of further Secure Email Delivery notifications.

Delivered Status

The Delivered status column will either contain a date or a blank. The date signifies that the email was sent out from the InfraWare mail servers. If the job shows a date, indicating that the email was sent out from the InfraWare servers, the email could still not be received by the recipient because of email spam filters.


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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

KB585 secure email delivery report activity
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