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How do I Create and Manage Billing Models?

Answer / Solution

Create and Manage Billing Models


In this guide, you will learn how to create a Billing Model to define how the platform should compute billing reports for your customers.


Billing Models in the InfraWare 360 transcription platform allow customers to establish custom rules for how to charge customers. In addition to specifying a rate ($), it allows you to specify units (lines, minutes, etc). These are managed in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC).


You will need the following before you begin:

  • An Administrator login ID and password for the IMC


  • Log in the IMC at www.InfraWare.com/IMC
  • Go to the Administration tab, Billing Models sub-tab.
  • To create a Billing Model:
    • Click the New Billing Model button.
    • Description:  Enter a unique Description for the Billing Model that will help you remember what it does or who it is for.
    • Always charge this rate:  Enter the rate (in US dollars) of pay per unit.
    • Per this many units:  Enter the number of units to be paid at that rate. (i.e. 15 cents per 1 line, 15 cents per 65 characters, etc.)
    • Using this Unit: From the drop-down menu, choose the unit to be used (This drop-down menu includes both platform defined unit definitions and units you have created).
      • For a description of platform unit definitions, see KB232.
    • Do not count template text:  Choose to include or exclude the text contained in the template for each job by checking this box.
      • Note: Headers and Footers in template text get special treatment. KB157 explains how this works. Details are chosen in the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE) when saving templates to the platform.
    • Count Uppercase Chars as 2 Chars:  Choose to count Uppercase caracters as 2 characters by checking this box.
    • Special Characters:  The platform has the capability to count an extra character when turning on or off bold, underline and italic. Choose from these boxes how you would like InfraWare to count special characters.
    • When finished, click the Create New button.
    • The Billing Model can now be selected for running a Billing Report or for selecting a default Billing Model on the Facility Settings page.
  • To specify additonal (advanced) rates:
    • Click on the switch to advanced link next to the rate box.  This will cause a few more rate options to appear.
    • Options:  Advanced options include columns for Normal Priority and  STAT, as well as new rows for Speech Recognition, Secondary Text, and EHR Verified Production (EVP).   Secondary Text (KB352) and EVP (KB947) are currently being tested internally by InfraWare in a limited Alpha release.  Details listed below for items available.
      • Default:  This is the base rate that should be applied if the job has no Speech Recognition, Secondary Text, or EVP associated with it.
        • Normal Priority - This is the rate that will be charged if the job is normal priority and has no associated ASR.
        • STAT - This is the rate to charge if the job is STAT and has no ASR results.
      • Front-end ASR:  This is the rate that will be charged for a job if the author submits speech recognition results through the IDC using 3rd party software.  For more info on how to let authors submit their own front-end results, see KB649.
        • Normal Priority - This is the rate that will be charged if the job is normal priority and has associated Front-end SR.
        • STAT - This is the rate to charge if the job is STAT and has associated Front-end SR.
        • Revert to non-editing rate if draft discarded:  It is also possible for a job to go through speech recognition (either front-end or back-end) and then have its ASR draft discarded by the transcriptionist in the ITC.  This event is recorded and can also affect billing rates.  If you would like the Facility to be charged its normal rate when the transcriptionist discards the front-end or First Draft results, make sure the box labeled "revert to non-editing rate if draft discarded" is checked in the front-end row. For instance, if that box is checked and you have a job that is STAT and has front-end results attached, but the transcriptionist discards those results (perhaps because they are low quality) then the STAT rate from the top right box will be applied.  If the job was not STAT but the results were discarded, then the normal rate from the upper left box is used.  The same goes for the check box in the First Draft row if a transcriptionist discards First Draft results. If you would like to charge the Facility the same ASR rate regardless of whether or not the transcriptionist discards the draft, then make sure the appropriate check box is unchecked.  
          • See KB573 for details on Discarding the Draft.   
          • When the draft is discarded this information is stored for tracking purposes.  See KB737 for details on the Drafts Discarded Report. 
      • First Draft ASR: This is the rate that should be applied if the job went through InfraWare's back-end speech recognition system.  Settings to control which Authors and work types go through the First Draft system are available from the First Draft tab in the IMC.
        • Normal Priority - This is the rate that will be charged if the job is normal priority and has associated First Draft ASR.
        • STAT - This is the rate to charge if the job is STAT and has associated First Draft ASR.
        • Revert to non-editing rate if draft discarded:  It is also possible for a job to go through speech recognition (either front-end or back-end) and then have its ASR draft discarded by the transcriptionist in the ITC.  This event is recorded and can also affect billing rates.  If you would like the Facility to be charged its normal rate when the transcriptionist discards the front-end or First Draft results, make sure the box labeled "revert to non-editing rate if draft discarded" is checked in the front-end row. For instance, if that box is checked and you have a job that is STAT and has front-end results attached, but the transcriptionist discards those results (perhaps because they are low quality) then the STAT rate from the top right box will be applied.  If the job was not STAT but the results were discarded, then the normal rate from the upper left box is used.  The same goes for the check box in the First Draft row if an transcriptionist discards First Draft results. If you would like to charge the Facility the same ASR rate regardless of whether or not the transcriptionist discards the draft, then make sure the appropriate check box is unchecked.  
          • See KB573 for details on Discarding the Draft.   
          • When the draft is discarded this information is stored for tracking purposes.  See KB737 for details on the Drafts Discarded Report. 
      • Secondary Text:  See KB352 for details.  This feature is being tested internally by InfraWare at this time. 
      • EVP EHR Verified Production (EVP) - See KB947 for details on this feature, which is being tested internally by InfraWare at this time. 
        • Uncheck the box to enable the use of EVP with a Billing model. 
        • When this is unchecked EVP settings will be exposed to set the number of Key Presses and Mouse Clicks equivalent to a unit with EVP.  In the example below, for EVP the Normal Priority jobs will have a rate of $0.0600 applied to every 65 Key Presses or every 17 Mouse Clicks.
        • Add an additional [  ] key presses per job.  Some accounts will choose to add a specified amount of EVP key presses to a Billing Model to accommodate additional work necessary in the EMR.
    • Important:  If you have clicked on the advanced button to fill in additional rates, make sure you fill in a Normal Priority and STAT value for Default, Front-end ASR, and First Draft ASR (even if some of them are repeated or will not be used).
  • To Modify an existing Billing Model:
    • Click on the Description in the Model column of the listing.
    • Make changes as needed.
    • Click Save to update the Billing Model.
  • To Delete a Billing Model:
    • Click on the Description in the Model column of the listing.
    • Click the Delete button.
    • Confim you wish to delete the Billing Model by clicking OK or click Cancel to close the popup and stay on the Billing Model Settings page.

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Last Updated
Friday, June 29, 2018

Create Manage Billing Model New Client KB654
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