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Key Terms used in the InfraWare 360 platform

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InfraWare Key Terms


The following is a brief overview of the important terms used with the InfraWare 360 platform:


A transcription organization establishes an Account with InfraWare to use the platform. For example, an account could be "Midwest Transcription" providing transcription services to several healthcare facilities. Alternatively an account could be "Community Hospital" providing internal transcription services for their own facility.


InfraWare 360 provides billing management features to help accounts bill their customer facilities using highly customizable billing models. These models are used to produce a billing report detailing the size and amount for each job completed.

Billing Models

Billing Models are customizable models that account administrators can design and attach to their facilities. The billing models may include a base rate per unit, and may be based off of a variety of units, such as characters, lines, and pages.

Line Definition

Line definitions allow the account administrator to specify how many (and what kind) of characters make up a line for billing purposes. Since each facility may have its own definition of a "line", multiple definitions can be established. One can also define a line based on the number of line breaks in the file, rather than the number of characters.

Document Types

Document Types provides a structure to organize types of work and specify associated platform settings. Administrators define document types in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC). Authors specify a Document Type when submitting dictations. By creating and customizing Document Types, you can affect how the speech recognition process performs, associate Microsoft Word templates and influence workflow steps including queuing order and the need for QA or eSign-off workflow steps.

Document Type ID

Each Document Type is assigned an integer ID (such as 101) is the number that the author can enter when submitting dictations via the Telephone Dictation System (TDS).


Templates are created in the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE) and are uploaded to the platform for assignment to one or more Document Types. Upon retrieving jobs in the ITC, an MT automatically receives an associated Template. Via features in the ITC, the InfraWare transcription service platform supports the use of these Document Templates.


Facilities are the organizations that consume transcription services, typically healthcare facilities. An Account, if a transcription service organization, can have unlimited Facilities. In some cases, when a single facility is on the platform, the Account and the Facility are equivalent.

.NET Framework

The .NET Framework is Microsoft’s cutting edge software development system for creating Windows application programs. InfraWare uses the .NET Framework to produce secure integrated programs that make up the InfraWare 360 platform. When installing an InfraWare program to a user’s PC, the .Net Framework needs to be installed. InfraWare setup programs do this automatically when needed, so long as the version that includes .Net is used. On the Software tab in the IMC, versions of each program are available with and without the .Net Framework. The Framework only needs to be installed once on a PC.


Normals are blocks of text that are used often (normally). To save time during dictation and transcription, an author can dictate a brief phrase (the "normal") and that text will be replaced with the expanded text. Under the Document Config tab, create as many Normals as you like. The Replacement text will be inserted wherever the Normal text is found. The Normals applying to an author are provided to the transcriptionist with every job downloaded.


The queue is the list of all the dictation/transcription jobs. The "Admin Q" tab allows you to view not only the records in the queue but also the history of records that have been completed. Other queues provide a more specific (limited) view of jobs


InfraWare provides a variety of customizable report options to help provide more efficient management and billing.

Activity Report

The Activity Summary Report provides a flexible window into the database of activity for general management purposes. The range and order of information presented can be specified by the user.

Billing Report

The Billing Report provides organized information to help prepare for billing of Facilities. By analyzing history information in the database and applying the Billing Model assigned to each Facility, this report presents activity from a billing perspective.

Pay Report

The Pay Report provides organized information to help prepare for transcriptionist payment. The information is consistent with the Billing Report, except it is organized by transcriptionist rather than by Facility.

Turn-around Time Report

The Turn-around Time Report provides summary measurement of transcription turn-around compared to the Turn-around commitment.


Roles are assigned to platform users to define the operations they may perform. A user may have more than one Role. Each Role defines a position such as Author. Transcriptionist or Administrator.


Users with this Role can add, change and manage all settings for a particular Account.


They can assign roles, change contact information, reset passwords, and create and delete users, accounts and facilities.  Their access is limited based on Account Level Tab Visibility set by the Administrator.

System Administrators

Users with this Role can manage users, accounts, and facilities and view financial billing reports. They can assign roles, change contact information, reset passwords, and create and delete users, accounts and facilities among other things. System Administrators are limited administrators.


Users with this Role may transcribe and QA jobs in the queue. Transcriptionists use the ITC (InfraWare Transcription Client) to download jobs for transcription.


Users with this Role may create and submit dictations to be transcribed.

Facility Administrator

Users with this Role can manage users, download, and print reports within a particular facility.


 Users with this role can view reports for their facility. For example, an executive can view how many minutes of dictation are in the queue and can view the longest outstanding dictation.


An InfraWare user is any person who uses the platform. A single user may have more than one Role within an Account or Facility. See Roles for an explanation of the Roles a user may have.


Transcription workflow is managed two ways. Automated flow is established by setting defaults on the Workflow tab. The Queue tab provides administrators with the ability to influence individual jobs with specific assignments manually. Combined, these methods provide detailed control over job processing. Tuning the platform with effective use of these defaults can reduce the need for the transcription manager to actively manage the queue. The InfraWare default is to allow all transcriptionists to access all jobs. Jobs are processed in first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. Beginning with those defaults, use the following tools to tune the platform for your operation by applying different settings.


A job’s priority allows it to take precedence over other jobs in the queue, overriding the usual first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. Default priority values can be set based on the author or document type. An author can specify a high priority job by marking it STAT when submitting. These values can be overridden manually on the Queue tab.

Transcriptionist Access Rights

In some cases, it may be useful to assign transcriptionists to access only certain dictations. Using the MT Access Rights tool, you can filter the queue so transcriptionists can only access work by specific authors or of certain Document Types.

Allow All Authors

Checking the Allow All Authors box in Transcriptionist Access Rights authorizes that transcriptionist to access dictations of all authors. Alternatively, you can select which authors’ dictations the transcriptionist may access. If you do not want to limit a transcriptionist to specific authors, select "Allow access to all authors." You can also assign the transcriptionist to transcribe dictations for any author in a given author Pool or Facility.

Allow All Document Types

Using Allow All Document Types, you can authorize a transcriptionist to transcribe any document based on type. If you do not want to limit a transcriptionist to specific authors, select "Allow access to all authors." You can also assign the transcriptionist to transcribe dictations for any author in a given Document Category or Facility.



ADT is short for Admission, Discharge & Transfer, a term commonly used in hospital environments to describe the software used to track patients (demographic data) but not their medical record.


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Last Updated
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

definitions terms KB70 glossary
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