KB742 Print this KB      
Why do Authors sometimes disappear from the First Draft Authors page, Available Authors filter?

Answer / Solution

Authors Removed From the First Draft Authors page


The list of authors displayed when the Available Authors filter is chosen is limited to those authors who's recognition enrollment grade meets the criteria for the First Draft Edition in use by the customer:

Fast Start Edition - Only authors with an A+ and A are displayed

Professional Edition - Only authors with an A+, A or B grade are displayed

Expert Edition - All enrolled authors with an A+, A, B or C grade are displayed

Grading for First Draft is done for each Author / Document Type / Dictation Source combination.  Each of these graded models for an Author can receive a different letter grade depending on the projected quality of the results for that work. The letter grades for all of a given Author’s enrolled Document Types are listed under the Grades column. See KB409 for more details.  The First Draft system automatically monitors and re-grades models (Author/DocType/Dictation Source combinations). Resultants grades may go up or down.

Therefore, if the graded models for an author are regraded and the new grade(s) are below what is available based on the First Draft Edition as above, the Author would be removed from the list shown when the "Available Authors" filter is chosen. See KB513 for details on these filters.

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Last Updated
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

author first draft removed disappear KB742
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