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What options are available on the Transcriptionist Queue page in the IMC?

Answer / Solution

Transcriptionist Queue Explained


The Transcriptionist Queue page allows an Admin to see what jobs are assigned to a specific transrcriptionist and to perform specific job actions.


  • Account Administrator login and password for the InfraWare Management Console (IMC).


  • Go to the Queue tab, Admin Queue sub-tab.
  • Select a Transcriptionist from the drop-down menu.
  • Search Panel expansion (optional) - If the list of jobs is extensive, you may wish to expand the search panel to search on specific criteria. This option is minimized by default. Follow these steps to expand:
    • Click the arrows next to the Search Panel option, as shown in the screenshot below.
    • This will expand the Search Panel and allow you to select a criterion on which to search from the drop-down menu, or you may choose to load a Saved Search from the drop-down menu.  See KB106 for details on Saved Searches.

Job Actions

Select job(s) to perform the following actions by checking the box and then clicking the appropriate link for the Job Action:

  • Return to Server:  Performs the Return to Server (KB188) function on the selected job(s)
  • View Report and Download Report(s) - These are functional when a revision of the job has been saved to the server, such as with the Save Without Advancing feature (KB245), or if the job was previously completed and was returned to Transcription by an Administrator (KB560).  If a revision is available then you are able to view an HTML rendering of the report or download the report in the chosen format.  If there is no job content available you will receive a message that the selected job did not contain a report.
  • Fax Report(s):  Creates a new Fax delivery instruction for the selected job(s). You will be prompted to enter the Fax number or choose from the address book.  Once the job reaches the status at which delivery will take place the new fax delivery instruction will be executed.

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How can I save a job without finishing it?
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Last Updated
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Transcriptionist Queue kb798
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