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How are automated delivery instructions setup with the Document Delivery System (DDS)?

Answer / Solution


Obsolete article, please see KB242 for updated details.

Document Delivery System (DDS) Automated Delivery Setup



The Document Delivery System (DDS) is configured in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) on the pages under the Delivery tab.


To access the Document Delivery System (DDS), click the Delivery tab.

  • Create each Destination you need (fax, remote printer, secure ftp server) on the Destinations sub-tab. 
  • Create Delivery Plans on the Plans sub-tab which tie those Destinations to Authors and Facilities and provide more specific information.

When jobs enter the system, Delivery Plans are evaluated to determine which match the source of the job.  Based on the outcome of that match, a set of Delivery Instructions are created and attached to that job.  When an MT works a job in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC), they can view these Delivery Plans.  If the author dictates modification of the default instructions, the MT can add or remove instructions from a page accessible in the ITC.

Delivery Instructions can be viewed in the IMC by going to the "Delivery" tab and choosing "Instructions"
.  By default, only instructions without a status of Success are displayed.  This usually represents fewer jobs and allows the Admin to identify any delivery issues quickly.  By choosing Success from the drop-down list, the Admin can easily see the list of successfully delivered reports. This screen allows admins to Retry, Modify and Delete instructions by find the instruction they want to take action against, scrolling to the right and clicking on that action link.

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Last Updated
Thursday, March 3, 2016

fax ftp printer ehr delivery plan distribution destination KB83
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