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How do I run a QA Score Report?

Answer / Solution

How do I run a QA Score Report?


On the InfraWare 360 Platform, Administrators can run a QA Score Report for a specified MT to evaluate the performance and quality of an MT's production.   The QA Score Report calculates all of the QA scores performed by a QA Editor on documents either in production or post-production QA.  Please note:  The QA Score report only includes jobs with a QA Score.  Jobs that were QA'd but not QA Scored are NOT included in the report. 


  • Log in to the IMC using your Admin login and password.  
  • Select the Reports tab, QA Score sub-tab.
  • Choose a Transcriptionist from the drop-down box.
  • Choose a start and end date for the report.
  • Choose a pay model from the drop-down to calculate the line counting.
  • Choose whether the template text will be included in the calculation of the total lines in each report.
  • Choose whether the comment should be included in the report.
  • Choose whether to show entries with no score to include jobs where MT Feedback is provided, but no actual Score is set for that feedback.
  • Click Display to run the report.

To learn more about these features, please see Knowledge Base articles #271 QA in the Online Editor; #262 Manage QA Score Points, #277 How to QA score in the Online Editor and #263 How to generate a job sampling for post-production QA Scoring

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QA Scoring setup
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QA Score Job Sample
How do I perform QA in the IMC?
How to Perform Production QA in Online Editor in IMC
How do I QA Score a job and/or provide MT Feedback in the Online Editor in the IMC or in the ITC?
QA Scoring in the Online Editor in the IMC
How to view QA Score/MT Feedback in the ITC
Review QA Score/MT Feedback in ITC

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Last Updated
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

QA Score report points KB276
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