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How do I restore a deleted user (undelete)?

Answer / Solution

How do I restore a deleted user (undelete)?


The InfraWare 360 platform allows you to restore a user that has previously been deleted from the platform.  When a user is "deleted" by an administrator, that user is actually hidden.  Reports, audit trails and other platform features actually require the platform to preserve most user information for some period of time.  For that reason, if an administrator tries to create a user with an email address that has been used in the past, they get a message indicating that address is in use.  The Account Administrator of an IW 360 facility is designated to manage users.

To restore a deleted user:


  • Login to the IMC with your Administrator Username and password
  • Go to the Administration tab, Users Sub-Tab
  • Next to Filter by:, under the Roles drop-down menu, choose Deleted Users
  • All deleted users under your account will appear
  • Click on the user's name that you would like to restore
  • Under the user's name, remove the checkmark next to deleted. 

That user is now available for use.  Continue by setting up their role and user settings. 


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How do you delete a user?
How to delete a user.
What happens when I delete a facility, a user, a job or a document type?
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Last Updated
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

restore undelete undelete access user KB302
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