KB440 Print this KB      
How to resolve when Setup.exe will not download during installation of ITC & IDC?

Answer / Solution

Temporarily Turn off Windows Firewall during Install

In some instances, the Windows Firewall application that comes preloaded with Windows will cause problems during installation of the ITC (or IDC). Therefore, it is sometimes required to temporarily disable Windows Firewall, try to install the ITC again and then re-enable the Windows Firewall.  The steps to disable Windows Firewall are as follows:

  1. Click the Start button in the bottom left corner of your screen
  2. Choose "Control Panel"
  3. Choose "Security"
  4. Choose "Windows Firewall"
  5. Choose "Turn Windows Firewall On or Off" (found on left side of screen)
  6. Choose "Off"
  7. Choose "Ok"
  8. Attempt to Reinstall the ITC/IDC
  9. Once ITC/IDC is successfully installed, go back into Control Panel/Security/Windows Firewall and turn the Windows Firewall back on

If that procedure didn't allow the installation, you can try starting the installation process from the following links:

For ITC:  https://downloads.infraware.com/ITC/ITC.application
For IDC:  https://downloads.infraware.com/IDC/IDC.application


If the turning off of the firewall and reinstalling does not correct the issue, click HERE for additional items to try.


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Last Updated
Friday, June 3, 2016

itc idc installation problem KB440
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