KB745 Print this KB      
What happens in the ITC when jobs become no longer checked out to the MT?

Answer / Solution


Retrieval of Jobs No Longer Checked Out in the ITC Explained


If a job is returned to the server or by an Administrator, or due to timeout in the IMC, part of the Gen6 feature set includes retrieval of the jobs from the ITC under certain circumstances.  These circumstances are outlined below.  Please see KB303 for details on setting the maximum amount of time a job can be checked out in the ITC. This feature applies to jobs open in the ITC for both transcription and QA.


This feature is only available in the ITC version or newer.  Prior versions of the ITC will not return jobs to the server automatically.


  • If the job is open in the ITC and then becomes no longer checked out to them, the job cannot be returned to server automatically due to timeout (MT setting for maximum time to have something checked out - KB303). 
    • If an Admin in the IMC returns the job to server and the job is open the MT will receive a popup message in the ITC:
    Note: Error is sometimes caused by computer freezes, or internet glitches. If jobs are no longer visible to the MT in ITC, then restarting the ITC software is recommended. Rebooting the computer is sometimes required.
  • If the job is not open in the ITC and then becomes no longer checked out to the MT:
    • If the job has NOT been saved (modified and then closed with changes saved), then the ITC will automatically remove those jobs from the ITC work list queue in the backgroundThe standard message will still be displayed:
  • If the job is closed and has been saved (modified and then closed with changes saved in the ITC Editor) the job will not be returned automatically.
    • On attempting to open the job the MT will see a dialog box that allows them to return to server, cancel the open, or open anyway.

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Last Updated
Friday, June 25, 2021

job report unassigned reported being No Longer Checked Out retrieval server timeout ITC KB745
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