InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "original"

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What does "Original audio not found" mean in the Audit Trail with regard to First Draft?
Troubleshooting original audio not found 
What is the Job Properties Changed Report?
Job Properties Changed Report 
How can I download the draft output in the IMC for a First Draft job?
Download the First Draft version of a job in the IMC 
How long is dictation audio stored on the InfraWare 360 platform?
Data Retention Policy - dictation audio 
How do I handle multiple reports in one dictation job?
Duplicating/splitting jobs 
How can I finish a report from a second dictation (Attach an Addendum)?
Addendum Process 
How does eSign-off work?
eSign-off Explained 
What is Return to Server?
Return to Server 
How do you copy a platform user?
How to copy a user 
What audio files does InfraWare support?
Supported Audio Formats Explained 
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